Hadoop Cluster Access

This document describes getting access to the Hadoop cluster for the course.


You will need

  1. An a account with FutureSystems
  2. To be a member of FutureSystems project 475
  3. Have uploaded an ssh key to the portal


The cluster frontend is located at <IP_ADDRESS>, frontend ip

Login using ssh:


In the above:

  • $PATH_TO_SSH_PUBLIC_KEY is the location of the public key that has been added to the futuresystems portal
  • $PORTAL_USERNAME is the username on the futuresystems portal
  • $HADOOP_IP is the IP address of the hadoop frontend node


Hadoop is installed under /opt/hadoop, and you can refer to this location using $HADOOP_HOME.


hadoop fs


hadoop jar $HADOOP_HOME/share/hadoop/mapreduce/hadoop-mapreduce-examples*.jar

for more details.

Sharing Files by share directory

share directory is provided in the $HOME directory by glusterFS. Any files in this directory is shared between frontend{1,2,3} nodes in the Hadoop cluster.